
#WittWed: Gwen Roemer '01 & Trevor Block '02

Trevor and I met at a Phi Psi party in the spring of 1999. He was a freshman and I was a sophomore.

I arrived with my girlfriends and was looking for the person in charge of the music. Trevor was a pledge and helped me get some good dance music going. He went home that night and looked through the "Baby Book" (Witt's prequel to Facebook) to find me.

We dated a few months before I left to study abroad my entire junior year. Although we didn't keep in touch much that year, we connected immediately after my return and have been together ever since.

But, I am not just #WittWed to Trevor. I am #WittWed to my 8 best girlfriends from Hanley Hall. We have gotten together twice a year since we graduated in 2001 despite schedules, kids, families and careers. Trevor has taped all of our dance routines, moved the furniture so we could perform them and said we look cute in every photo. #WittWed #WittGirlsWed

Gwen Roemer '01 and Trevor Block '02

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