
The Quiet Year (2023-01-27)

The Quiet Year

In the Beginning: There was...
  • Biome: Forested Land
  • Magic: Mid Level


  • Catie - Dandelions Scarce
  • Sonya - Mushrooms Scarce
  • Eric. E. - Squirrels Scarce
  • Ben - Water Abundant


  • Sonya - The mediocre mushroom
  • Catie - The Great Tree
  • Ben - Big river
  • Ebbs - Hills

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The first month (4 weeks)
Week 1: Sonya

  • There is a bad omen, it is a squirrel, it is very big, angry, and blue.
  • What should we do about the squirrel?
  • Eric - I think we would should make it an offering and appease it
  • Ben - Is there anyway to comminucating?
  • Catie - We should make a sacrifice
  • Sonya - Well... I think we should ask it what it wants us to sacrifice to it.

Week 2: Catie

  • There are red wolves in the area, it is questionable as to if they are dangerous or not.
  • A Waterwheel project is started, it should take 4 weeks.

Week 3: Ebbs

  • In the distance a giant sign has appeared.
  • A group will stare menacingly at the red wolves to try and scare them off. It will take 3 weeks to be menacingly enough to scare the wolves.

Week 4: Ben

  • It is found out that we are lacking in farming implements
  • A project is started to build a port for trading up and down the river. It will take 2 weeks

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The second month (4 weeks)
Week 5: Catie

  • The boat people arrive
  • There is a boat coming what should we do?
  • Ben - We should offer a trade agreement
  • Sonya - We should sacrifice the boat people to the squirrel
  • Ebbs - I am in total agreement
  • Catie - "I never heard more sound advice in my life"

Week 6: Ebbs

  • There is a giant maginifying glass on the otherside of the hills pointing at the community
  • The community comes together to finish the watermill, and it creates a modicum of electricity, which makes people happy
  • With some left over wood from the watermill, the docks are completed which help with further helps with trade. With proper boat docks and water corrals.
  • The menacing face squad are attacked by wolves who were alphas, and so some of the squad was lost to the wolves.
  • A project to build an offering space made of stone, for the Big Angry Blue squirrel. It should take 6 weeks.

Week 7: Ben

  • A magic spring was discovered.
  • Along the river a very nice clay deposit has been found.

Week 8: Sonya

  • A girl has started trying to learn how to communicate with the Big Angry Blue squirrel. It should take 6 weeks.
  • The mediocre mushroom has a little friend

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The third month (4 weeks)
Week 9: Ebbs

  • The children of the community start hanging out by the magical spring
  • The red alpha wolves are living near a stash of mechanical parts

Week 10: Ben

  • Worship of nature, bolstered by the construction of the altar a series a trees seems to grow up around it.
  • A mushroom farm it will take 4 weeks

Week 11: Sonya

  • The people who are helping the purple girl talk to the squirrel, are highly revered
  • To clear out the dead bodies lying around for a few weeks, a graveyard is started. It will take 1 week

Week 12: Catie

  • A little boy did not know that we were burying the bodies, and instead dug up the skeletons, upending the graveyard
  • The stone acorn altar is complete, now we will have to wait for communication with the Big Angry Blue squirrel to know if the Angry Big Blue squirrel is happy about it.
  • A group is being sent to get some wood from the Great Tree. It will take 6 weeks for them to walk there.

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The fourth month (4 weeks)
Week 13: Ben

  • A Tornado comes through and knocks over and shatters the magnifying glass
  • Ben - So what are we using the dock to trade for?
  • Sonya - We need Dandelions so we should try for them?
  • Catie - We should see what other trade items they might have.
  • Ebbs - more squirrels
  • Ben - Let see what they have to offer

Week 14: Sonya

  • The eldest among the village dies. We should try and figure out what they died of. It should take 2 weeks
  • The mushrooms farms are finished and compost bins are built to help propagate mushrooms, making them less abundant
  • The purple girl learns how to speak squirrelish, and that the BAB Squirrel just wanted friends, and the altar was not needed so the Squirrel is a bit Huh?
  • Some of the mushrooms turn out to have medicinal properties

Week 15: Catie

  • A irksome individual has decided to build a wooden pillar in the middle of the river. It should take 1 week.
  • A kids drinks from spring and feels really good afterwards

Week 16: Ebbs

  • The hike to the Giant Tree ends early as they trek hard to get their early
  • The autopsy of the elder is finished to find out that the oleander farmed by bees make poisious honey
  • The wooden pillar in the river is finally fully erect, the irksome one is very happy about this.
  • The hikers find the great tree is a ancient tree creature

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The fifth month (4 weeks)
Week 17: Sonya

  • Somebody goes missing.
  • Sonya - Where did Geral go?
  • Caties S. - I bet the wolves lured him
  • Ebbs -Comporting with the wolves
  • Ben - He was taken by the tree creature
  • Sonya - I think the wolves and tree creature are in cohoots.

Week 18: Catie

  • More boat people arrive with trade goods, the village greets them enthuastically
  • A project to create cables to get the electricity from the watermill to the community. It should take 3 weeks.

Week 19: Ebbs

  • Some went to explore the old sign and found out it was the marquee for an old appliance which has a whole store of TVs
  • The red wolves have been working dilligently and be found to be building motorcycles

Week 20: Ben

  • With the arrival of nice weather it is decided that a wooden school is need to help educate the community. 6 weeks
  • Mixing the spring water mixed with crushed mushrooms creates a powerful healing potion which is valuable trade commidity

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The sixth month (4 weeks)
Week 21: Catie

  • The summer days go by quickly
  • The cabling project is finished and a single cable is created, but until we get a TV to plug it in we don't know the quality of the cable.
  • So a group is sent to bring back some TVs. It will take 3 weeks.
  • Trade must be started with the boat people, but we don't know how to communicate with them.

Week 22: Ebbs

  • A group of a people have appeared and want their TV NOW!
  • The tree people have gone missing

Week 23: Ben

  • The group sent to get the TVs does not return
  • A group sent to the angry tree create with a giant vat of Mushroom Spring to try and appease it. It will take 2 weeks

Week 24: Sonya

  • The dead skeletons and bodies are starting to stink.
  • A Dandelions planting project is started. It will take 2 weeks

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The seventh month (4 weeks)
Week 25: Ebbs

  • The purple squirrel talker leaves the community, saying the red wolves are coming
  • The group with the vat of goody mushroom spring water makes it to the tree creature with a lot of begging and using the potion, the tree creature is appeased.
  • With the school completly built, it is now ready for use
  • The red wolves have discovered the art of flamethrowers

"I Like how your brain cell works" - Catie Week 26: Ben

  • The purple girl squirrel talker returns.
  • The Dandelions are planted and growing wild.
  • With the help of the purple girl squirrel talker and the tree creature, the wolves are appeased as they were all in cahoots

Week 27: Sonya

  • A group goes to examine the destroyed magnifying glass, and they discover that there is other stuff littered around it, but they don't know what it is.
  • The group decides to dig into the detritus to figure out what it is. It will take 3 weeks

Week 28: Catie

  • The child who drank from the magic spring suddenly keels over dead
  • A committee is put together to create a curriculum for the what basics should be taught at the school. It will take 4 weeks.

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The eigth month (4 weeks)
Week 29: Ben

  • The group digging up the detritus to examine what is and where it came from instead finds there is more so the decide how deep it goes
  • A group sits down with the boat people to do a language exchange. It will take 6 weeks.

Week 30: Sonya

  • The community riots over the lack of TV and destroys the school
  • It is determined that there is very little intelligence amongst the community

Week 31: Catie

  • The langauge exchange turned out to be as simple as just showing each other the goods, and swapping them.
  • The dig deep project finds out that the it is a large debris field, and includes a TV that is brought back to the community
  • With the arrival of TV they plan to plug it into the cable. It will take 1 week.

Week 32: Ebbs

  • A group of swole armed ninja sword wielding tv heads appear from the direction of the appliance store
  • The school curriculum turned out well, and a basic writing system is developed and farming is being worked out
  • Meanwhile the cable gets plugged into the TV and an angry face appears on the screen, with no idea how it gets there. Changing channels just shows a different angry face.
  • The TV people decide it is a good idea to build a body for the angry face tv. It will take 1 week,

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The ninth month (4 weeks)
Week 33: Sonya

  • So lighting strikes the cable causing the project to build a body for the angry face tv and cable is destroyed. The TV people are quickly taken away from the destroyed angry tv face tv
  • It turns out that the boat people have water guns, that can be used to fight against the flamethrowers of the red wolves.

Week 34: Catie

  • A community member does not want us to fight the wolves, but instead befriend them because of their obvious technological superiority. So they destroy the water guns.
  • A group tries to awoo with the wolves to make peace with the wolves. It will take 3 weeks.

Week 35: Ebbs

  • A potion resitent disease has started amongst the community, sterlizing the community.
  • The dandelions are discovered to be armed with scythes.

Week 36: Ben

  • With cool damp weather the mushrooms grow in abundance
  • The squirrel communication team, being the intelligent ones, so they were the ones who called in the swole armed ninja sword wielding tv heads to clean out the community to make way for a new community.

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The tenth month (4 weeks)
Week 37: Catie

  • The awoo group trying to join forces with the red wolves, starts to take longer so we can speak perfect wolf language.
  • Concerned about the dandelions having armed themselves with scythes, which are already scarce, a plan is hatched to get the implements back from the dandelons. It will take 6 weeks.

Week 38: Ebbs

  • The frost shepards arrive

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